Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Three Artists

    Write a readable story with the help of the following outlines:

Three artists complete one paints a wreath of flowers a bee comes and sits on the
picture –another paints a basket of fruit an ox tries to seize it the third paints a curtain all the three pictures placed before the judge the judge tries to raise the curtain – the pictures judged the best – it deceives a man – other only insect and animals – moral.

The Three Artists

Long ago there lived three artists who were fully accomplished in art, and their paintings were equally so good that it was very difficult for anyone to judge who was the best among them.

Once an art competition was held to find out who was the best among them. The three artists took part in the competition. One painted a flower. It looked so real that a bee came and settled on it. Another painted a basket of fruit. It looked so natural that an ox tried to seize some of it. The third artist painted a curtain that was also so real and beautiful.

Everybody was excited to know who would be the winner among the three. All the three paintings were presented before the judge. He looked at all the paintings. When he looked at the curtain, it appeared so natural to him that he tried to raise it. The judge said,  The first  two  paintings  deceived only an  animaand  an  insect,  but  the third painting deceived a human being. So I declare the artist of the third painting as the winner.”

Moral: The best always takes the first place.


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